We recently had the great pleasure of visiting Cate and Heather--now living near the beautiful Colorado Rockies! It was like going home for us--since we lived in Boulder for about 5 years. Paul and I didn't waste any time hiking up to our favorite spot at Cub Lake in the Rocky Mountain National Park. This is the spot where we took seasonal photos to display on our wedding invitation. Here is a map of the hike. We start at "YOU ARE HERE" and then hike 2.3 miles to Cub Lake.

Our hike will take us around the entire loop which runs thru Cub Lake, down to The Pool and then back around to our start about 7 miles.
When we got to the top the snow was sparkling and it look absolutely magical...it's always so invigorating to be back in the mountains.

As usual, we took our picture on our "special" rock.

But this time, I was taking a movie of Paul taking a picture of us ;-)
A few days later, I took Cate and Heather on the same hike to show them our special spot. Here are the happy hikers now...

And--we're off--all smiles and having fun...

Buuuuuuuuut, unfortunately we encountered some problems in the lower altitudes with the snow and our snow shoes. The snow varied from just a little snow then deep snow then no snow. Oh, and did I mention that we had our snow shoes on the wrong feet? The once happy hikers were
un poquito unhappy with the snow-shoe struggle and chose to carry them in their backpacks for the rest of the hike up.
The hike continues--up, up, up thru the deepening snow.
Here's a pic of smilin' Heather. Is this a pic of Heather:
(A) crawling to the top of the mountain?
(B) hiking to the top knee-deep in snow?
(C) falling on her a** and wishing she still had those snow shoes on?

YAY Cate and Heather!!! You've finally made it to the top with only
un poquito b#*&^ing ;-)
And now it's time for rest and a snack on the special rock...

..and then--a little skating on Cub Lake...
Due to an incoming snow storm, we opted to descend to the start and not down the back side of the mountain and around the loop.

Here are the
muy happy hikers--mostly happy to be back at the car!!!
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